
Forest Park II Location

CLW’s locations in Forest Park are next-door neighbors, but you might as well call us family!  The individuals we serve, their families, and the residential providers we collaborate with know that they can count on the Active Treatment Aides at Forest Park to provide the care and attention that our individuals deserve!

Serving approximately 100 individuals between our two sites, Forest Park has a wide variety of services and activities to offer during our 6-hour day program.  From social- and leisure-based programming, to on-site paid vocational work, to supported community employment – There’s something for everyone at Forest Park!  CLW also offers transportation to and from our Forest Park locations, and we have two full-time nurses ready to meet any routine or emergency medical needs.

CLW knows the importance of exploring our community, so we make an extra effort to provide outing opportunities on a frequent basis!  Our individuals often take trips to local parks, the Cincinnati Zoo, Krohn Conservatory, local bowling alleys, the Gorman Heritage Farm, and many, many other places!

Forest Park is ready to help our individuals grow, learn, and get the most out of life!  Please call us for more information or to schedule a time to come and visit!
Christine Kautz

Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: 513-674-0581

Email: ckautz@theclw.com
Address: 1310 Kemper Meadow Dr., Ste 100, Cincinnati 45240